Evidence Audio ESP 1/4 TRS Dual Mono Solder Connector Right Angle
Application: Stereo Connector for Dual-Mono for
Insert Cables or Expression Pedals
Cable OD size: Two 4mm coax cables
Works with: Mogami 2528, any two 4mm cables
side by side.
-Brass is used for the contact points offering higher conductivity and better sound quality compared to the
pot metal and steel used in low quality connectors.
-Smallest on the market allowing use with switching systems and pedals where the jacks are close together.
-Where straight plugs were needed with some switchers in the past, angled connectors may now be used
instead, freeing up space behind the switcher on a pedalboard.
-All plugs measure 23 mm by 15 mm by 8 mm
-Patent-Pending single screw with latch reduces assembly time
Evidence Audio ESP 1/4 TRS Dual Mono Solder Connector Right Angle Canada Tone Design